I must be crazy , but only sometimes poking my short noise into other people business...... now that gives me the blushes....No...no, not the crazy part.
Just remembered what my mum would say...bak in the village....if you give her a cup of tea that is not full to the brim, she would go on a rapport about the way you should know she doesnt have a long nose, hence they is nothing to fear if you were to put a full cup!!!
The politics of this place everyone is poking there damb nose into other people party, so in the end bickering just come. Am not shocked for that, because it happens in the village too, but I thot women in the city had class...more than in the village, I hate comparisons...this better than that...that better than this.......but oh my some women here can bicker..till death's end..if it ever dies.
They say that is the symptoms of living in packed neighboorhoods, no compounds , no space lying around doing nothin, in the end, no one has even thinking space, and the bickering just brings itself, .......
Friday, August 31, 2007
Poking my nose into...
Posted by
6:13 AM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Them hips
Some boys living around the corner, just before you get to the water point, I had to go for more water today, we have visitors tomorrow, from Aunt Nera's chama ya wanawake. That is not what am angry about, am not happy becoz thos boys just thot to start calling me without no shame
It wasn hey..nor pssst, nor the whistiling...... but they just started saying...
Gi ............ga............... ga................. ga
I mean , I have a name , Yes. They werent even bother to ask just to whistle , loudly for that matter........Gi...ga.........ga.......ga
I know I have big fabulas hips, but that they should questions my ancestors, hips or no big hips I didnt ask for no less a small waist too. If i could , I would chop them down, but oh no, I am doomed to have them in a long time, because grandma had the, mama had them, and now I have them. Gi ..ga.. ga or no Gi ..ga.... ga
Posted by
6:52 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Citizen Keg
Now I wouldn’t understand a lot of politics, its way too tall for me, but things here are getting that little pilipili hot, not in the house but out side, in the small alleys, the Citizen keg dens, and even at the road where Aunt Nera sells fish. I don’t like politicking much, I mean it’s not my best arena. But rumours are walking through the mud walls, everyone is angry about the man who defected I don’t know but they say he is giving Agwambo a hard time. They say that polls keep showing he follows the president in popularity, that he has some huge following in the whole country. I don’t know much about this topic, I wouldn’t want to meddle in it, but am happy I have my vote stacked somewhere. Aunt Nera said she received a call from Pa, in the village, Pa says things are hot there….., its only in the city that its silent, so the people in the city have not chacha
Here in the city what we c on TV is the only news, bak in the village, politics ears are on the ground, those people know what the politicians are saying, probably promises again, but well I guess, we have to be attentive to all the bickering they are doing, on TV here, equaling themselves to wives, husbands, marriage, divorces, beds in statehouse, courting, wonder why they shouldn’t be in a Vitimbi production
Posted by
5:44 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Old geezer..
I got to laugh kidogo about the old geezers in the neighbourhood, cant imagine it, but, the pregnant old man... had sent someone to come call who ever is is Aunt Nera's house. I was alone, respectfully I go there....and he ask...If am married!!!
Posted by
3:39 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Serious stuff
I can finally breath, those Mungiki looking guys di not come around no more. Well I hear there are Talibans here too. But no one is supposed to talk about, on one does anyway.....Aunt Nera says we shush, or else.....if we want to loose our heads
Cant imagine my body alone been taking bak to the village!!!
Everything else, works out well, morning come, evening goes. I dont know if I just want to help in the house alone. Father, at the catholic youth centre says, I have potential...that I should take computer seriously. Think he is right, I want to focus seriously on more things, am even dreaming. of big things here in the city. Like today Ikanta took me to take, voter card, my Pa had sent my identity card, Ma says I should think well what i want to do with my life.
Maybe here at the centre I can take this computer thing to higher level, Ikanta says she wants to do tailoring, maybe its best for her
Atleast we did not talk about boys alone, the whole way, we talk serious stuff, like the future, .....oh and also the Big Debate that was in the news
Posted by
7:57 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
paying rent
That stupid Nita boyfren came around today, of all days..........
Am starting to see how life is here, bak in the village, we dont pay no rent, Aunt Nera spent the whole day trying to get xtra money, we had to spent more time on the roadside trying to get extra money, am hoping by the time those hooligans of eviction team get themself around here, it would be fine
Iave never noticed the creases on Anut Nera's face but they were showing , in the morning when we woke up. Am crossing my fingers on this one, that it will be fine, am not sure I would like to live in the city no more......
Posted by
6:34 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I did not think I was going to make it to the youth centre today, todays events weigh on my heart so much. Just after taking breakfast, before Aunt Nera left the house, thank heavens she did loose her purse..... while looking for it
Ochieng, thats my younger cousin called me, to the door, from the bath room,because Aunt Nera did not want disturbance, she said she couldnt think well if the kids did not stop talking over her head!
I found group of young men, about 15, one of them with clearly some rungu in his inside jacket, spoke....
they wanted to see...Mzee wa Nyumba,...when i shook my head, they wanted to see....Mama wa Nymba, I was shaking...they had mean looks, and none of them was looking stright in my eyes, gazing alomst past me into the house.
When Aunt Nera came, they wanted to see reciept for payment of house, Aunt Nera said Mzee had paid but he kept reciept....they said they are giving us...time to get the reciept out or else???
Its past lunch now and they have not kam bak yet, but rumour in the ghetto is that, they will be coming tomorrow very early in the morning...am not sure if Aunt Nera is saying the truth, Mzee is my Uncle and my Late Uncle must have been so wise to pay the house for all the days he has not been here!
Posted by
5:14 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
rain in nairobi
It rained in the city yesterday, not Kisumu city, but here in Nairobi. Wading thru is not my idea of spending the day, but it was all waters, mud, umbrellas poking at you.
What I dont get is the way people here fear the rain, the mud,. Its hard to know the difference between, them normal and mad people. I mean the rushing, scattering in different directions.....at home, I will carry the water in the pot, in the rain. Dont the city people enjoy the wet clothes clinging on the body, or the mixture of rain showers with warm airs. The steps in the rain towards the homestaed with the guarantee that atleast someone is roasting the green August corn, and a cup ofstrungi/orungi/tea to wash it down with. Am not sure what they find beautiful here, but i find the touch of the rain drops finding their way thru my kinky hair, to my scalp, absolutely beautiful
Here they say you pay a price to be rained on, you go to hairdresser again, you go to shoe shiner, you go to laundry,it cost everything,even on what mother nature has provided!!
Posted by
4:27 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
woman diemo's man
He he he..... I got to laugh, at this one.. Ikanta can sometimes be down to earth hialrious in her stories. Today we had to go to the market, she says Toi market. Its not the market that made me laugh, its ...he....he on our way to the market, we bumped into some man, running like some ghosts are after him, only to walk right up ahead and find.......to my shock! Awoman was right after him
Now I know bak in the village , that would be the talk on end, I mean the village women, wouldnt let that rest till they see them graves, and the girls going for firewood...they will giggle about it till they get married!
Ikanta says it Kibera, but Kibera or no Kibera, damn there is just no way the elders bak at home will stand aside and let some woman beat the Rooster of the house, no damn way......
Ikanta said they have gender places the man could go to, I dont get it, am educated too, I thot gender was for women alone?
Anyhow, still its hard to comprehend why a man would let himself be trodden on by a woman, bak at home, mmmh she will have to look for her burial grounds elsewhere!
Got to leave it at thet....but oh my life here is spiced, by itself
Posted by
6:58 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I dont think, I could make it to the holy grounds with Aunt Nera. She was astounded, said I shuld know wiser than to follow the wind. Ikanta said she goes to eva-nge-li-cal church. I mean I just had to pass here and write, I mean that was some dancing.......I only thot we did it in nyatie deroz
My wasnt there some shaking too, tell you I have long way to go, they said it was youth church, we cuyld expend our energies there, instead of them disco, maybe I come from the opposite side of primitivism, but my..my....we did some good jumping, shaking, and dancing, to them singing...drums..piano..guitar...I only see that when the village chief invite a band to public day parties.....
The whole place....i think fire just came down, the pentecostal fire!!!
Its different that we do it bak, in the village, somewhere kamoro I guess sometimes things just get done differently...and am learning..that too!
Posted by
3:38 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I have this new hairstyle, to be honest I appreciate Ikanta effort on my head, I mean my hair, kinky, tiny to even hold she did one good work, combining them all with it dark thread, but Oh dear.....mmmmmh U shuldnt even ask where I have been, not posting no more!!!
Believe it or not, my head has been swollen since them hairstyle came on my hair. Had to place me neck, on them pillow and my head hanging to the ground. Tricky, but Aunt Nera said, I should know that is the price them gals pay to be beautiful, she says beauty come with price, I pay I get to look like them gals who have fried them hairs.
Never thought the whole head skin can hurt, but it does, it did, and even though, Ikanta is just my new found friend, I doubt am gonna let her touch me head again.
Good thing about Ikanta is she talk more. She told me Nita has them three boys, dont know if its true but what on mother earth's name would she want them three for! Well three or not three, I dont want one of her boys, I have a girlfren now, and it hurts my insides but I let the whistling at the water point, just pass, if I want a boy I want one of my own......
Posted by
12:44 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Telling her off?**
We met, he said he was trying to tell her, they aint an item no more, am so obsessed with the way i feel right now. Its like living in me own world. Trying to hold on, breathing as quietly as i can. I cant here what Aunt Nera says, its like she is singing thru my head, and her words comin in thru this year and going on thru the other one.
I swear if he was telling her off then she must have been damned amused with that, coz she was laughing all the way and been nice to him, quite some response though my instincts, tell me he is lying
But i will get off feeling like this, especially because i met my very first girlfriend, well i had to ask someone to plait me, atleast to get hair long like them other gals around here.
I dont want to like a guy whose former prints smell Nita, am making up my mind, am better off without him
Mama was right, city boys, lie, and alot they do!
Posted by
4:53 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My chunya is injured! Its low, it hit rock botom yesterday, I saw him and Nita, and Nita giggling like some small gal.
Well maybe i deserve it, thank me for stiking my heart right in it, I mean am just a village gal, come to big town, standing a chance with him, is just way offside, cant write much now, maybe later in the day, when i came for them classes at the youth centre, right now am off rather shutting my beak about, coz no cousellation, nor empathy gonna get my attention, i got to self pity party my self.
Posted by
10:58 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Here, not much goes on, in the evening, everyone stares at the television, even when Aunt Nera talks, they are glued at the box, when they stir tea in the cup, they do it lukn at the box, stirring like old women preparing the traditional brew, chakula kinywaji, till the tea spills
Somewhere kamoro, my heart just aches, its like its bleeding, coz my thoughts are full of the village
I miss the earthen fireplace, it reallly cold now...even frying the fish at the road side, dont get enuff warmth in me in the evening, the only warmth i feel right now is, when I think of him, honest to the living spirit am sure i miss 3 beats to heart when he crosses my head.
Posted by
3:16 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Posted by
12:05 AM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Am full, I met him........ it feels good... it feels....i dont know its exquisite, my heart beats, thump...... thump..thump...thump
But I had to do it when...well Nita pretended she would wash the dishes, but I told her its okay....i can do it for her...only i knew.... I told him we can meet while i go to fetch water at the communal tap.
I lied, I know, may the ancestors forgive me, but since he asked for my name, I just had to meet him. It feels good, it feels nice , everythiong just goes zzzz....zzzzzz....
I think am ...i dont know...since last night, I cant stop, when i walk out of the house.... i aam just thinking of him.....
Let me talk about this laters....i have the goose bumps!
Posted by
5:12 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Posted by
5:46 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Kudundu kundundu kund...ndu
, thos ar the sound of them drums...kundu..ndu...kundu..ndu.
I like the jumping more, couldnt writ becoz, we were there the whole dei. Not the whole family though, Aunt Nera and me, the rest they say.... they go evan nge li cal. How can people from same family go different direction wen they are to visit holy grounds.
Don get it, and Aunt Nera says some go where the heart and spirit direct. So me an her we clad in white and go down the tracks into them worships grounds.
Don understand why my city cousins don feel like walking along with me, but somebody sent me to call Nita, some guy asked if i live if i live in them house. Of course I know Nita, but I said Nita is not in, but she was, and the guy asked my name...... but i dont give no strangers ma name
Today, had to wash all them clothes am catchin up lots, and lots and Aunt Nera says, I can no go bak home, am staying with her.... course i will, i get to come to youth centre and write mo
The guy he kam bak, asked if he want c Nita, says no, he forgot to get my name!
Posted by
2:42 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Posted by
1:25 AM
1 tortoise
Friday, August 3, 2007
Posted by
12:09 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
At home we call them "kabich" the cabbages, dont know not sure, if kauliflowers fit there too, but they look like opposite twins so "kabich" it is
But the shouting man..... he is,,,grabbn them women shoulders, trying to woe them to climb in....
Mmmhh city people..... man not courting yu! man not want you to be his wife! but he touch yu shoulders...and woman not say no!
Happens almost evry time, the car stops... why cant he just let them climb in if they want, they know where there heads are going.
"Sista zako?".... I stare. "Pesa, na unadondoka hapa" Ok, he wants money..... all those words just to ask for money?*??
Sika" opens the paseenger door, and out I am
Wao...... so this is Kibich... atleast the houses aint that different from bak in the village, I can live in a mud house....
Mami.... only Aunt Nera ever calls me that!
Posted by
10:42 PM