Monday, August 6, 2007

Kudundu kundundu kund...ndu
, thos ar the sound of them drums...kundu..ndu...kundu..ndu.
I like the jumping more, couldnt writ becoz, we were there the whole dei. Not the whole family though, Aunt Nera and me, the rest they say.... they go evan nge li cal. How can people from same family go different direction wen they are to visit holy grounds.
Don get it, and Aunt Nera says some go where the heart and spirit direct. So me an her we clad in white and go down the tracks into them worships grounds.
Don understand why my city cousins don feel like walking along with me, but somebody sent me to call Nita, some guy asked if i live if i live in them house. Of course I know Nita, but I said Nita is not in, but she was, and the guy asked my name...... but i dont give no strangers ma name
Today, had to wash all them clothes am catchin up lots, and lots and Aunt Nera says, I can no go bak home, am staying with her.... course i will, i get to come to youth centre and write mo
The guy he kam bak, asked if he want c Nita, says no, he forgot to get my name!

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