Anyway that was just by the road, what is on the road is the latest saga, between Oti and Kepha. I know I have never talked about them, but Aunt Nera’s house is becoming a second home to me, and this neighbourhood is swallowing me up. Bak to the road, what I call vanity might be stupidity, or ignorance or arrogance. Why in any Man’s right mind would a man send another man to woo a woman for him, that is what brought about that fight between this two, right on our doorstep. Now this Oti is some big guy what those Nita’s girlfriends would call DTH, Dark Tall and Handsome, but the guy has fries for a brain, he decided that because he wanted Nita so bad that little fellow, Kepha actually his cousin, will do the errands in this matter. Well Kepha did just that wooed that Nita, but not for Oti, it was for himself, how he managed to outbeat that Oti, it can only be in what Oti lacks in brains, he has a short hand in that, well he must have seen the errand boy not making progress for him to show up finally right at the doorstep of Aunt Nera. This is where the village boys just outwit, this know it all city boys, your potential mother in law's house is a shrine that you just cant walk in like that, but the way I have seen them do it here, they would probably look their mother in laws in the eyes too!!!
Well that Oti had a rude shock, he not only found that there was a coup de tat’ but that in the whole new Kepha government he was extinct, but not before that Kepha arrived to pick up that Nita, that is when all hell broke loose. Twaf! Twaf! That is all we could here, it could have ended there, if it were not that Aunt Nera dagaa were drying on a mat outside, thanks to them those two good for nothings, are in the police custody, not for the police just never get anything right…they are in for loitering with no purpose, terror suspects with the intention of disturbing the neighbourhood, Aunt Nera just had to make sure that Nita character doesn’t come in at all! Call it blood is always thicker!!