Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mate to Mate

Now there are things even I have to teach some one, excuse any misuderstanding on the title of this post but I just could not get a way of italicizing it, because really in my home town, home country, the land of my motherland.... that is saliva...mmmmmmh ask anyone else....mate is saliva. I just have to riot about this, I know, the events of riots in Kisii like am them c in the tube.....just stupid hooligans with no morsel to keep on them table. Beats my senses, why would some big ugali fed men, circumcised for all I know be the stooge of political recycled busted and good for sitting beside the fireplace like that Kisii big pot bellied man be thinking anyway....I know , that is why i keep on insisting, politics, I leave it to those men who have been coming around here trying to get some boys from the neighbourhood to join, that so called youth for change, maybe they are serious this time, but I leave politics to them
This saliva thing I just had to raise, because the amonut that gets exchanged here, in the evening, mmmh is just ....enormous. Including that Nita, always wanting to go to the shops at night, I wish i had those, new shiny electronic camera, you just click and walla the picture just shows up, because yesterday I caught her, actually saw her live live, doing just what I detest most, passing that saliva of hers from this point to the next.....that big guy standing next to her. Why would anyone do that!!! Whats the point, bak at the village, you do that to give the babies porridge, its efficient and there is no way in the world, they are going to spit it bak. You hold it there, until you here that bubling sound of the porridge hitting there stomach. You cant leave hunger to take its toll on your little ones, when you are out farming for hours under the sun, but in this city, and especially around here, i dont see no hunger, no babies but yet when evening comes, oh the mate exchange begins!!!!

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