Friday, November 2, 2007


Kendu bay dala wa……. Kenya ismarwa…..???
I always said it, politiks is not my favorite topic, not here on earth, nor I doubt largely if I go on to heaven, politiks will interest me. However the recent takings of a certain peoples is upsetting my insides. Pride the good book talks comes before a fall…indeed it does, I find no problem when a man owns three phones, one his, one for his special friends, and another his family line, the one his wife can reach him, that is if she is lucky it gets through, but contract between them spells the number she is to use always, no offside on this one. Neither do I find it hard to accept, a man with a car as big as his ego, intercooler, it is….no……no, it’s the Hammer now, you don’t have a hammer, you sure don’t know where you are headed in life, a man has got to be a man, and a man has to live a life bigger than him.
What I find hard to welcome is the need for anyone to turn their house into a disco! Its abuse of the basic rights of the neighbours, of the people who live in that house and a straight violation of what Father calls international and religious rights. If any one wants to use big words for small things, its alright. But a big ego, doesn’t go well with big things. At first I thought it must be… I mean somebody had died just in the hood, you know they play music to help collect money, while body is in the mochary, I mean the price of the mochary and that of taking the body bak home is climbing so fast. And you know those stupid businessmen whom you contract to take the body bak home for you they agree when you are here, then when you are on the way they, they decide to remove the body from casket and leave it on the ground if you don’t pay them the difference. But no one leaves the body in the city, it would be the abomination and dissolution of cultural obligations it doesn’t matter, if the dead had left the village and never wanted to come bak, we wait when they die, we would always take them where they belong with the ancestors!!!
So its not a burial, so why would anyone blast that music. Second night the music; there it goes again…ndi…ndi….ndi..ndi…boom…boom……twaf!
Aunt Nera says…..but what is it? Has the spirits entered our new neighbour? That man from line four? She says this is too much; my late husband whom I loved so much didn’t give me this headache, so a man I don’t know cannot deny me sleep…..
Well off she went….and sooner she came……and the music behind her……BOOM…..BOOOM…BOOOM…….TWAF!!!!
What happened?
If you cannot buy a disco system and put in your house, don’t force people to live like you!!!! Ziiiiich…..volume increased…BOOM…BOOOM…BOOOOOM….and Aunt Nera stood there talking to herself!

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