Monday, March 24, 2008


Ok I realise have been off and out of touch, but blame, the internet service providers.......... i shoved , pushed , whined, and thank my ancestors....... they are not funeral parlours, otherwise I would be stuck with a body in my possesion!

Its crazy how we dont like talking about death, bodies and stuff...iiiih....keep off that topic, wish i could dear, wish i could but i cant .........I made an aquintance with a gentleman who work in the morgue, aha, thought those guys were bonkers! You got to have made visits to city mortury to believe that I wouldnt have figured out why anyone would want to work in there,....ok.... probably the last time you were inamorgue, was when you had a very close person gone.....just like you i was compelled to ask alot of questions like, are you scared, do you get nightmares, you plan on keeping the job for a lifetime, but I thought...gosh somebody has got do the job!!! So I ended up shutting up, and accepted the fact that its a job just like any other and we should get it out of our african blood to respect the call and the comitment of the chosen few who have the last chance to accord us the last respect in this world. Not unlike most of us who wait with dark glasses on our faces, waiting for the beautiful you that once was, to come out with all make up done and the white dress or black suit on, and the white casket ready for the trip down stairs!!!

I found out behind the efforts and the works of people like gravemen, morgue attendants, hangmen, those job that make you go....ish!.......... I commend them especially in the african system for doing for people who have myths and strange catrations surrounding the lives of this persons, I salute them for doing what most of us cant, and wouldnt want, ..............kudos!!!

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