Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Too fast Too sweet.....

Excuse me , I call Achie Bella my sister and she would always go on the phone" (yellow!!!)" and I hope her greetings aren't contagious to me, but am starting to like her "hey yellow" more than my straight and fanky, "talk!" If its at all funkie!!!?
I find it to be the problem of growing too much in the village, or its the village growing into me.......... conforming, adjusting, trasnforming becomes almost relatives of the villager in the city, but am catching up, world am cetchin ep!
Am all worn out tonight, my new friend from Lesotho with our commong agenda, tone down the hips, am trying to, am trying too, they say fish is white meat, but around my hips seem to have a problem there. Last week I got myself into the maize weighing rack and got the numbers down, today am 0.7kgs bigger, and all because of that kickboxing aerobics! Am in the village for ancestors sake, cant nature tone down a woman! Anyway fish has been scarce, they say cholera has been at it, and the public health officials are having a field day just reminds me of the Narobi kanjo, sometimes they wake up and they call it a field day for towing cars, here, you buy fish...ka ndani, the lake is under surveillance, ukishika samaki, tunashika wewe!
Tonight is a rough night for me, I have good bum and some size 8 hips to boost, love them cant complain, but I have a new dress that am trying to fit into, before the day comes, and it looks like i shouldnt be investing in those aerobics tape, but i want a man on my man to boost, who wants to attend a two some midnight bash alone! I have a bit of the city in me too, make a little city in the village too!

Monday, June 23, 2008

It was the right thing to do!

I hope all guns are withdrawn from me, Cynthia is out and it was the right thing to do! Next , please judges get us talent, get us a good thing out there, get us riding on till the end...........surely there is some talent out there!
I keep it plain simple, all this publicity reality shows just go about recruitment the way government offices would do it, only i classify it as the private sector hullabaloo, when small time on stage plays go big, you just wonder how the hell did they choose that cast, there is nothing Kenyan about it, except like a woman who has overdone her make up, alot of artificiality comes on the surface. It happened in BigBother Africa1, Kenyan representative, a sham if you ask me, you wonder which side of town do they come from, all fried and grilled and the chicken having an expensive name than it really is, ask Galileos, they know your type exists, that is why they are in business!
Kenya has to seek for an identityof its own, and ask me another question I know its out there, only the Kenya look-a-like think its not worth it, if you want a Kenyan that I know, Jua Kali cuts the bill, he is Kenyan! Forgive me for my narrow mindedness, i know what diversity means, its rich, but wierd is not diversity!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Crazy Idol

Am sad about alot of things. I love been patriotic, and I have to include this in paying me respect to the late Minister Kipkalya Kones and Ms. Lorna Laboso, may they sleep, and rise on the sides of River Jordan.
However on the same note and quite sadly on this same post I have to mention, that we cannot afford to stretch our patriotism to advance what is not true. Am quite saddened with the affairs of Tusker project fame, and the big question when it comes to an end will be do we have a talent somewhere!
My mourning is more to the so called Cynthia, in the idols. She makes it tough for people like me to be patriotic, I love this country, and I agree with Mheshimiwa Wetangula that we dont have a spare Kenya, but in the ancestors name, good talent we can find in plenty! I admire Kenyans voting and voting for who stays on, and I admire the women who are standing up for her, but give me a break, if singing is anywhere near that girl, then we Kenyans have a lot to make up for. Its pathetic, and improvement is an understatement when used in the same sentence with her!
I apologise for my feminist attitudes for those who know me, but handing out my support doesnt come in the name of seeing wasted opportunities thrown to the dog in the name of persons who are in the right place at the wrong time!
I love art, I love theatre, but this whole idol thing is turning out to be entertainment on the long tether of corporate sponsorship. The more controversial it is, perhaps the more viewing , and the more ratings, but it sound like a love affair too short, so sweet, that ends on a very sour note!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Omondi Tony Rest in Peace

I couldnt and cant believe it yet, Tony jo Suba no heri, Nya Suba be oheri, to Nyasaye noheri moloyowa wate(Tony the People of Suba loved you, The girl from Suba also loved you, but God loved you the best. )
I had the grand opportunity to dance to Tony's music this February, and in my presence was Fredros' who couldnt stand the all night dancing, too much scientism in him, also in the house was D. Oulo, unajijua tafadhali, hope this has met you with shock , and hope you are doing fine, and last but not list Nyar o Rabuon, Wamuyu, in Zanze, rest in Peace Tony, all of us know "we bury in turns"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

On my way to Ifakara

Whats this place, can't remember it well? Any ideas?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I aint one!

I sure hope you went patriotic this weekend, a long one if you ask me, and if you dont understand finances it could as well have left you high and dry at the beginning of the month,
As usual the fishermen here always hit it big! I could heear music all weekend, dont ask why i didnt attend, I had a date with the local crafts man, I saw this beautiful chairs that I just got to have...... but the old guy says ameenda msibani, so tough luck, cant get it
Am still thinking of a rendeveous in Mfangano, it could be a good idea, but my whetther this is home or not, boat rides don't turn me on, I dont need to be Jonah to know the lake is not land, neither I wouldnt try that Peter stunt on Jesus, to say I can walk on water, so its still up my sleev, am trying to gather enough entourage to do this with but am keeping it cool, down and low, and the wild spirit in me says, I can afford to be phobic in anyway, it aint in my blood, it aint in Aunt Nera, and it sure aint in Africa.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kenya Art -TZ beauty

I miss TZ just as much as I love it here, been sometime, but the lovely mountains in Bongo country will keep my memories alive,

So here I am again, back in the village doing what I love most living. Have been trying to get some local chicken to feast on...no...no there is no celebration......its just the other day I find out that those little village hotels don cook, them original chicken, for ancestors sake.... I thought I was out of the damn city where its obligatory to eat some form of chemical everyday, like been religious i guess, anyway it took me a long time to unearth this big conspiracy because they dont grill them chicken in some rolling rod, they deep them in water, make some soup and what you get at the end of everything is, dissolved chems! So am on a rampage, looking for an original ingoho! The aliens are invading the villages now, coming here in the name of sustainability, for the sake of my greatgrandfathers, leave the villages out of your agendas, a r eal ingoho was not gold, back then, and it cant afford to be one now...............................!