Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I aint one!

I sure hope you went patriotic this weekend, a long one if you ask me, and if you dont understand finances it could as well have left you high and dry at the beginning of the month,
As usual the fishermen here always hit it big! I could heear music all weekend, dont ask why i didnt attend, I had a date with the local crafts man, I saw this beautiful chairs that I just got to have...... but the old guy says ameenda msibani, so tough luck, cant get it
Am still thinking of a rendeveous in Mfangano, it could be a good idea, but my whetther this is home or not, boat rides don't turn me on, I dont need to be Jonah to know the lake is not land, neither I wouldnt try that Peter stunt on Jesus, to say I can walk on water, so its still up my sleev, am trying to gather enough entourage to do this with but am keeping it cool, down and low, and the wild spirit in me says, I can afford to be phobic in anyway, it aint in my blood, it aint in Aunt Nera, and it sure aint in Africa.

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