Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. Margaret Chan: Swine Flu hitting the pandemic door!

Its of global concern, now more than ever after the W.H.O Director General,moved the swine flu alert from level 4 to five, on Wednesday at a live press conference aired by most stations. Of concern to us Africa, is our preparedness to deal with a pandemic such as this in case it occurs. Its already hitting many states in the U.S and our worst fear and I believe our governments too, to hear any cases in Africa.
My concern at the individual level is what can we do even as the government steps up its campaign against the disease? Watching from all the news streaming in worldwide it seems, wearing masks, gloves could help, as the disease is spread through sneezing, coughs, and touching surfaces touched by persons already suffering from the virus.

I am still on the line trying to get someone to talk to on the hotline provided by the Ministry of Health...actually the mobile line 0722 331 548, and it still aint getting picked up, this is the second time, its ringing and no one is picking that a hotline madam minister because this line should be open for any information the citizens of Kenya need, however will keep trying, TIA.
As we go on : honey not today as a friend said it...lets see how men's health get affected this week

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