Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Man meets cold

July came and went, and August meet the cold outside, n today is no different, women you get hit on during this month, don't take it for real, so I meet one of my team members at the parking lot n the bugger shamelessly starts hitting on me, not withstanding he has a live in wife, and neither am I available to u now what***** so he starts with today is a really cold day, anyone would for sure need a blanket and a little help, well i made the mistake to joke didn't he just come from his house where he left both....n he goes like..... no..no...another kind of help well, my eyes alone talked On a Sunny day the bloke never notices me in the parking lot! I would love it if a guy could fall in love with a woman in January, that true love:-)

Forgetting your passwords

This is not for me to help you, i need help, right now, am completelty out of touch guess what i forgot my phone pin number, lights were off in Kisumu jana and was expecting this important call, important here copuld mean anything from the person who was calling to what we wanted to talk about , so the desparate me borrows my cousin Pamela's phone switch the batteries phone goes off, i switch it on and walla, put in your pin, and that becomes the cue for my memory card in the brain to press DELETE at once, that is how monto oyo no mteja

Like I said the call was important, so i bought a Zain line, I got it, using it, but there is only one person who kows it exists , well i think now they are three my brother, and my girlfreind Jenanne, will wait till i get back to Mbita and just look for that little precious card Safaricom allows your pin number to be stuck too, which of course have not seen for months, but there is a necessity I will turn the house over for that

I got to be having a password forgetting illness, could it be true, I wonder

for my own peace of mind, class is done today, just one more tick on my list i still need to get down to that self appraisal stuff, i hope those who could enjoyed the sabbath day, those who have it kesho enjoy it the more, and for the rest of the human rest, live it,

Liars and serial liars

That is getting to me right now, people who say what they dont mean, people who dont accept their situations so they live the lives of other people, because they are so afraid of themselves, the real them, its crazy where do they learn it from, the tongue is like a sword the words it can emit, are capablel of cutting any one;s life short
In my life time I never met such people, but this time I did and I thank my praents for raising me to trust people, but I missed out on sniffing out the the one's i should not trust, the price is too high to pay you can imagine, breaks friendship, marriages, relations, families, and love ties, liars, and habitual liars as such should learn to stay out!!!!

Sexy side of life

Four year down the line, its like putting a book away after you have started reading , and coming back months later and it takes you back to the same world, only you have grown smarter huh Pretty cool if you ask me, growth has many definitions, is it in the physical, brain wise, maturity, family, friends, partying, marriage, children, boyfriends...now even i have serious problems in that department, oh i just fell off the wagon, is it the sexual wagon, the no boyfriend wagon, ....ahhhsh... wareva..or is it the i don't weigh 75kg anymore wagon, i teetoller, maybe i drink less wine, more beer, go to church more, to pubs less, hard to define growth in a substantial maniac way.....i don't live in the ghetto neither am in the suburbs, am in between or no where between, but whats, arms, legs, sheets......blah blah...am done, Al pick another book!