Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sexy side of life

Four year down the line, its like putting a book away after you have started reading , and coming back months later and it takes you back to the same world, only you have grown smarter huh Pretty cool if you ask me, growth has many definitions, is it in the physical, brain wise, maturity, family, friends, partying, marriage, children, boyfriends...now even i have serious problems in that department, oh i just fell off the wagon, is it the sexual wagon, the no boyfriend wagon, ....ahhhsh... wareva..or is it the i don't weigh 75kg anymore wagon, i teetoller, maybe i drink less wine, more beer, go to church more, to pubs less, hard to define growth in a substantial maniac way.....i don't live in the ghetto neither am in the suburbs, am in between or no where between, but whats, arms, legs, sheets......blah blah...am done, Al pick another book!

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