Monday, December 24, 2007

A "Raila" Christmas

Great season, great time, here we say teremsha na marafiki...........\

This is the season for the professionals, not those

one who go to be taught how to do things , it is the season for the chicken killers! Yep that is just what came out of my mouth, chiken killers, to master the art,,,, you got to have speed, the ability to wring its neck so fast that before it quacks, the heart has stoppped.....and then chicken killer are follwed by chiken feather removers........then chicken roasters.... then chiken eaters.......which prbably brings down the whole chain to anyone i can bet the dice on, maybe you, maybe me, maybe its the guy sitting next to you, we somehow find the audacity to fall anywhere in the chain......maybe you have lost me, here turkeys are big chrismass woven stories that you can sell to anyone for a penny.....I aint never seen one in my Ma's chiken way we go.......

You have a great time, here, I know am a chicken leg thrower which translates to , for every chicken that will go down this season actually to be specific in our homestead I will be doing the honours of throwing the leg to the ancestors!!!

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