Thursday, December 6, 2007


Night running is an art perfected by time, like that Old msee Onsongo, everyone knows he does it, bot in the village , in the city. Its hard to know this thing if you were not brought up with them, now who in anyones name, would decide to place some of his inside intestine byproducts in the middle of the common bathroom? Who would do that?
I know what Aunt Nera says, people without manners, there is no issue of manners there, even in the village we differentiate between...a place to wash your future corpse, and a place to drop the droppings, you need not have attended school to figure it out. But that Onsongo the suspect, is just doing what all Aunt Nera's neighbours should know! This is a long lesson even if you want to learn it, night running has different departments, one of them just to mention is geared towards creating fear, other include, disgust, entertainment, competition, and finally completion of an inherited mission. Unless you understand all this department, you just like our neighbours here, will be lost and blaming everything on lack of manners, is what the white washed city dwellers would say, a villager like me...... I know better!!

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