Thursday, January 31, 2008

PantsDown or Political-Kenya MP

Who doesnt want the truth? I should have seen hands up now...........
but the old sayings goes that sometimes , just sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. The facts that point to the truth surrounding the killing of Ainamoi MP could be right, and again they could be wrong, but we have to accept another fact, that whetever the case, politically its significant that he is dead!!
His death if we go by the statistics gives the current PNU and coalition party a majority in parliament(103) , with the other party ODM having had their number reduced from 104 to 102. That is fact too. I just hat politics.
But hate it or love it, politics defines the scope under which alot of things may succeed or fail. It finally gets to us, whether we like it or not. Doesnt anyone just feel like they want all this to end. To be honest I would even think politics have disrupted our lives so much that it has find its way to our sexual lives. C'mon I might be wrong here, dont tell me your libido is still that high! Surely all this mayhem must be having a toil on us. We are so disrupted that to imagine a brother, in a district which had seen the most and worst impact of post election violence, who had the time to sooth his emotional wounds and succumb to the devils act of shooting to death his so said girlfriend and suspected lover, amazes me, where do people find the time! Isnt it so untimely?
Well this are marital issue and I am far from been an expert in them, however I really thought, our current situation apart from denying us some peaceful sleep will surely make us frigid, but again it might be because of where Aunt Nera come from, when you world is so narrow, your think becomes shortsighted, my opinion could be underated..........well if its a love traingle, the world should expect alot of shooting in the near time to come, ask the experts they will tell you what is the ratio of women to this country, and this is Africa,


News just in, which am yet to confirm........ Another MP has fallen! I cant comment on this till I can confirm with wananchi sources however, am crossing my fingers that when I write my next post I will be so wrong,

The circumstance surrounding his demise, love triangle gone bad are yet to be confirmed but the majority MP from the house are been reduced in number, if its true , then one side in parliament is just down to two.

Is the world watching?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Killed......Murdered...Died.. Melitus Mugabe Were

I dont know the name you give to what happened to the MP for Embakasi......... but one thing I dont agree with, is for ancestors' sake you can never call it, NORMAL. But normal is what the men in blue call it, and to add into all the mediocre things they can come up with, they add that investigations will be done, to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to book, why would they want to do that, if its so normal. The only thing they fell short of doing was to say it was computer generated!!! I applaud them for having some sense this time.

I am more inclined to blame our past governments for the mistakes and strategies which were meant to protect them, but finally they are coming to haunt us now. The same song we are singing now, should come to pass, we need a change in our constitution, this constitution was made for one person, and to protect one person. It has too many loopholes, that we are yet to be covered. Am so lay, not to undertsand what the whole constitution talks about but just like Aunt Nera, I know whatever they call the constitution is a double talk that ends up protecting the wrong people, for sky's sake which law says you can be remanded in prison for two years, and dont tell me you dont know that,- happens here.

In my own low opinion, I think Mr. Mugabe's demise can be attributed to just what he was, his character was the biggest contributor to his death,

[Humble. Principled. Focused. Reserved. Quiet. Humane

Mr Were’s seat was crucial for ODM over its fight with PNU for the control of the city politics.

"He was principled and once he believed in something, he stood by it,” Mr Wathika said. " {Nation excerpt}]

If this is what the defination of "normal" is in Kenya, then I fear for myself and the rest of Kenyans. For once as Africans can we call a spade a spade, or are we so far from the truth or are we such cowards that we accept to die too many deaths before our time. We have inherited the the art of whispering, that we let the walls talk?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

MP for Embakasi-Kenya, SHOT dead.

Rest IN Peace

Just as I have mourned the rest of them, so do I mourn you.

As the world watches we mourn,
As the world watches we cry
As the world watches,
Its still watching,.........

If they cant do anything now........... should we expect them to do anything in the future, Koffi Annan talk to us! Tell us are you making progress, or are we still in trouble

A Post of Silence, I hate doing this......., having a post of silence, .......

Monday, January 28, 2008

Not Yet Uhuru-Kenya

I feel lazy today, call it lack of motivation, but coming from the other side of town its hard to pin me down with strategically planned activities, and motivation is what the other people, who I brand developed do. When you have small dreams, motivation is greek! How the days end, I leave that to the Big guy Upstairs, my job is to ensure that I make it thru the day. That is why when one asks why, the poor from the slums should be the ones making the mot noise about what is going on in our country, I have to sit back and think about it more.
While some are dying of hunger and faced with the prospects of dying of starvation, the other side of goes makes the rounds, and beer still flow, should i shame on them...not really, the poor shall always die of and for,......things we will never understand, but if you were a man with nothing to live for, it doesnt matter how you die, eitherway you will still die! But the poor just do things we cant understand or so they say......... I wonder...still wondering.......all our high platforms and our efforts to try and understand the behaviour of any economic class is a waste of time, as far as our problems are concerned, we cant change the fact that the poor because of there econimc position will always be miused and abused in any sytem, lets point the guns to what can we do to stop the violence because its still coming down to.....the poor, hurt the most even though the RICH also cry!
My second take for today, is I just wish the media would decide to put off the biasness they have in their report. When those butchery guys from Dagorreti protested over the economic impact the political crisis has was all mum! Then ...mmmmmh we do, Aunt Nera and I, that in Nyahururu things were not so fine...... maybe we dont have coverage there? We thought we knew who tried to stab his Big Daddy? We thought we knew who got the thumping from the Men in Black after getting a slap from Beijing?
My last take, I have great respect for western people, and polished people too....just wondering why in the ancestors name shouldnt we have Koffi Annan's schedule public, atleast we would be grateful to the program run, to be honest I fear, if he were to leave!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

GhostRailway Line

Are our country resources dying out, or largely becoming redundant like us. The largets percentage of youth in the country, high unemplyment rates, and we are all broke, probably not all, what happened to that Youth fund, any youth groups who got it, please holler, I need let the rest know, atleast the Youth Fund, got to finally do it job!!
Just on another note, Koffi Annan, I hope against hopes that you dont get to spend most of your time in Statehouse...... its a Kenyan, excuse me African likely move, but am hoping Koffi is above most of our African brethen, am hoping he will sit on the fence,and try all his skills in getting our county up and moving. Somebody is resonsible for getting us to this point us Kenyans. The political crisis, got us here, and that political crisis has now given an ethnic crisis. Lets us not dip our heads in sand, get to the root of the problem...we still have what it takes to build a new Kenya.
May God see to it, that Justice is indeed our shield!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Prospects of Peace are Here.

Today, has been such a good day, and I speak this as a residence of the city, town looked the way it did before 27th of December. I had missed the beautiful women of Nairobi, and they didnt dissapoint me, they came out looking like they had been on vacation. The hardworking gentlemen of Nairobi, most of them smart, if not handsome. Nairobians they just never dissapoint, they always live it up......and am sure the recent crisis was a turn off.

But we are placing our hope in Koffi Annan coming out strong for us, to help us solve this crisis.

However I would still ask, dont go to excesses....Nairobi might be fine, but remember the brethen in areas with clashes, chip in with charity a nationalist in your own way. While you lay down to sleep, kuna wasee, hata namna hawana, kwa hivyo kwa sasa....dont indulge, live on a shoe string budget, till we get sorted out. Also enjoy the sun, the past few weeks forced house arrests, on us, kwa hivyo release the torture, and I hope you were not traumatised. Maybe on a light moment for those who hate exercise, kama ulikimbia...keep it fit, lakini uwanjani.

And please lets put politics aside, just for a moment............its dissapointing that as Kenyans we are all raring to go, to build this nation..... what we lack is proper steerng drivers.....hata hivyo, keep at it!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TRUST: Not the Condom!!!

As Koffi Annan arrives in the country, have been thinking about the peace message efforts made by the entertainers. With a production of a song by several artists, to put across a strong message of plea for peace in Kenya. For starters, I concede that its noble, and a good move to have staged it up. My sincere gratitude. It brings me to my lazy thoughts for today. Trust
I beg to blame our past and recent governments in their endeavors to destroy the trust and the confidence, the public has in institutions. Even though the last office tried to layer in artificially of course, public involvement in the transparency in running some institutions, and I cannot forget the endless exhibitions I attended, either hosted to educate the public about certain arms of gava I still think, those were scripted performances. To be honest I still wonder why customer care desks are found in some areas. The corporate world endorsed the beauty of customer care, but I think its yet to sink in. We are good fabricators, good at giving the much needed public opinion and keeping private opinions to ourselves, which I find pathetic. That is how we become good at setting up commission of inquiries at every turn, how good we become in remanding suspects for two years and beyond, how good we become at releasing death row prisoners yet denying freedom to petty offenders. That is how, even in times like this…… the much needed TRUST in public institutions cannot come to our rescue. We no longer trust the ECK. We no longer TRUST the courts. We QUESTION the Media’s hold of timely and unbiased information.
We derailed our own support systems, that can bring us together us KENYANS, we have worked to kill what Kenya is supposed to be. If music was to bring us together, we have pirated most of the artists original work, that for them to produce, and even fund charity courses is an extra effort, we have fought in recent time, against our own national football teams, sport would have brought us together, we never even recognize most of our athletic teams, never receive them back home with shouts and parties, hence even now their victory out there cannot be a distraction in our current political situation. I love this country, I love it so much, that every travel that I have made, I always want to show the people out here, that there is something good and wonderful that Kenya has to offer…and good people too. The good places that Kenya has, will not change. However the ugly truth, is as Kenyans, our number one lesson is one rotten fish can spoil the whole package. We need to solve our political problem without leaving a bad taste in our mouth.
Lastly democratically, our East African neighbours still have so much to learn from us , how we emerge in this turmoil, like I have always insisted……. Will just determine how high or low our country will be flying soon. It might be the birth of a democratic baby, that will go so fast before our neighbours democratic seeds get to be watered!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Got to Live!

Let the People Speak: Kenyan Voice

I love art, and even in times of war, I cant help it, even if its just for a glance,,,,however today I wanted to check out Maich, just wanted to be sure he is fine, the last time I heard from him, he was taking route 11 to D. It wasnt that akward when I met him...i guess the first thing he asked of me, jokingly was...wewe bado unaishi?
And that beautiful smile of mine couldnt help it, but to hug him, and sit on the stone. Hell..... why lie..... he asked me how Kibich was I told him I dont know, I had a booked space at Jamhuri grounds...on a light note...that isnt true...but it was all in a light moment.
Then I asked myself, which part of Maich other than the him that I saw last year, is ethnic. Am i still me..Tomax. Nothing less nothing more. But I know that many of us will argue on the point of , sometimes when big issues come into play, small people have to pull up there socks..... and live up to it. My life is small, its scopes are limited, and I tend to put in mind, seriously....that the most basic thing for me is to eke out a living, make the most out of today, and tomorrow will still get me here trying.......
All those displaced person been asked to vacate the temporary camps could be the Otieno you know, the Kalonzo wa Duka, the Macharia wa Makaa, Mama Mboga, Roba wa Kinyozi, Jackie wa Salon ya Best woman..... it could just be your next neighbour...and after all this has been said, and presumably all this violence end, love it or hate, we will be forced to nurse the wounds and most certainly live with the scars! A rebirth of ethnicity, and it will follow us for a long time to come..... just last year we were on the road to freedom, now the achievements of five years have melted into selfishness, and the greed of a few individuals, the top cream of the political class.
The people have a voice, and the voice is the vote, when that voice is stolen, dont expect diplomatic relations to bring it back. Whoever stole that voice owes us an apology, but because we are still involved with establishing who is the thief...cant the top cream give the people the voice back. Lets head back to the ballot, if we decided then, we can decide again, so that we guard with honour the right, the ONLY RIGHT, that Maich, Kalonzo, Oti, Shiko, Chepkwony, Kemunto, Omanga, Emukole, Mwende, Amadi, Awuor, Okembo, let those who think they have anything to solve......if anyone of them is a true son of this Nation...lets give the voice back to the people, let the people decide, because if we dont 5 years will be a little longer....and too late in the day to correct the current situation.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Credible Unreasonable Mediation Talks?

Doubt that!

Lets face it again and poetic talents cannot capture the irony that we are yet to witness in our political arena, and that is where my brethen dont fail me. Now who in his most sound mind would put the V.P in a team to handle mediation talks, the V.P was a presidential candidate in the contentious election results, does he have a stake in the talks, what role will he be playing...... in this talks! For heavens sake , we all know we ask for money to build roads when we keep returning that money to treasury at the end of a financial year, because it didnt work out. You tell me, why would money be sitting around somewhere waiting to be returned, I would be smart enough to use it, let it build me some profit then just before the financial year ends, Walla! I return the money. Am lay dont ask for proof, but my Aunt Nera runs a fishmongering business she wouldnt sit even on anyone small change, for an evening why would I expect the big shots to sit on millions, I would be mad to think so.
The appointment of the mediation team by the so called government is dissappointing, and it undermines the seriousness that this talks hold. This is not a fight to host the African Cup of Nations, or like the team they had to go view how the City council abroad works out there...that made me laugh, when the minds dont change, no amount of educational trips will develope this country and the highest form of hyprocrisy is what they are demonstrating right now. Well if it pleases the E.U, and the rest of the guys out there, to see them co operating probably they are not using the same Bible as I do! Democracy has taken root, it should be growing now, and whichever way the coin falls will, as I always insist determine our direction....forward or backwards.
If it will help the country let us support both the supposed government and the opposition to set our country on a path to democratic freedom and growth.
As we pray for the fallen in Kisumu......... let us also pray for the rich and the comfortable, the ones who didnt and havent seen the need to fight for democracy in Kenya, lets pray also for those who have offices to go to..and those who dont....have anything for a livelihood, because somehow.......titanic didnt sink on one part alone finally it went down the whole of it!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Lets face it, am lay, my citizenship category might be lay too, but I have the prospects of not shutting up and closing up my eyes to all this still waters canned , waiting to go boom, anytime soon. My reasons for saying this are as lay as I am, we need to address, the source for all the toads in the fish pond to go croak...croak...croak.......
I insist on bringing up questions that I expect no answers to...(1) Are we going about all this fracas the right way! You are probably not in some make shift camp praying that it wont rain today, that the food will arrive on tyme, still i wont assume that the pot in which you are a chip from is not some old geezer, 'I dont care to the bone attitude' holder prized with been over 70 years of age at the time of writting this post! Because those are the goons left with the great choice of deciding where this beautiful country goes......left or right we need to remember for all the small people like me and you we will be left to pick up the pieces, and get back together, somehow it will get back to us...somehow it will......
Now after been the proper African am expected to be, whining about this situation and in the same tone doing nothing about it, am amazed at the GOV. guys love for inquiries. For Ancestors sake you see a policeman hunt and shoot an unarmed protester, in Kisumu, and their mouth tub comes on and go........ "I TOO HAVE SEEN RAMBO?"
Whom do you expect a layperson like me to blame, I blame hollywood, damn they created that movie, they have us all brainwashed, even those of us who have credentials, and educational certificates from the so called ....VARDS..., where the hell was a movie in that!!!
Education was supposed to get us out of our uncivilised primitive minds, now ICT is turning true evidence into hypthetical movies, how good can we be doing in RIVERWOOD?
My laymind insists that you cannot appoint a Commission of Inquiry to decide if there was crime committed, I said it and am going to say it again, the Police must decide...who WOTE is, and what is it that they are just doing for WOTE, it took some sleep away from me to think, that a man in uniform is reduced to the devilish level of raising a gun at an unarmed fellow man, shooting him and kicking him in his final moments, I am blogprotesting against dont need ICT knowledge to codemn that , you need a conscious! To call that a movie, you must surely be the devils advocate.

REST IN PEACE BROTHER, the Spirits cannot sleep....not in this one!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kenya is Home

The running has started yet to go!


A new wine from the cellar cannot be stored in an old wineskin!
The archaic thoughts of the old geezers of this country is mediocre in every sense and quite unfortunate for the men and women of this country. Have said it over and over, poverty is like sin, look at us...look at Africa, drowning in poverty, as if its not enough we have our cursed resources to blame for everything from high mortality rates to failed political governments, the worst of all is our knowledge of anything almost lies in imaginary thoughts of intelligence.
We are driving our country mad!
And we have a few sons of the men and women who betrayed us during our fight for independence, doing it all over again.......only this time they have become black colonialists! Lets get it all straight its not ethnic clashes that is killing us now, its the injustice and the crazy minds of a few goons in our system which is holding Kenya to ransom, and for what?
My heart cries out to the women, and the children who are victims of circumstances, victims of men at war.
The sight of a young protester unarmed shot at close range and killed by a policeman shown live on TV yesterday is just the height of evil, and the government usage of men and women of cloth against its own people. I couldnt sleep, images of that young man, minutes before joking , then gripping his chest, then he attempts to stand up and went down, then the last kicks of death as the policeman kicked his sides is just horrific! Who is against who now!
Let the truth be told, the M.P for Othaya is in office Illegally. I cannot blame him for that, I blame the so called Kivuitu, the ECK for selling this country to the highest bidder! Neither can I blame the M.P for Langata, for his cries for justice, I blame the ECK. We trusted them, and look where they got us. House arrest, media blackouts, hunger, and soon a Police State!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


As at the time of writting this post, we are still on a media black out on what is going on in parliament right now............... how can I have anything when roads leading to parliament are closed off and with a heavy presence of police in the city, there is no doubt we are on the road to a Police Sate.
I think the message is quite clear, put the lid on everything, create a false state of calmeness, and let us live on, isnt it better to close our eyes off, than face all this ugliness, I mean we want peace ........we need to put food on the table, we need to sell our fish...we need to get potataoes to the market, our lives need to move on!
That is the cry of the poor masses, when all is lost, hope is a great thing to holdon to,isnt it?
The artist in me, is burning up. Art reflects. Art portrays. Art releases. Art elaborates, Art celebrates. Its hard during this times to do anything other than to watch. War makes nothing out of professions, neither do I expect my artistic abilities to capture anyone right now.
The decision to control people using the forces is a prediction that was made sometime ago by the long time founding member of n-g-e-m-a, the use of Militia prphesy is yet to pass. Am mad, that when I was happy delivering Aunt Nera's small time dagaas, someone already had a plan for the post election events. Next time save us the energy , and the time,
I like the song that everyone is beseeching us to sing..PEACE, and after watching 8 members of a family wiped out, I want peace too, delivered as a whole not in pieces. again it brings us back to the concept that I have as an African born and bred in Africa, towards what peace really is.
We need to define this word, please brethen.....stop the killings,
We need to correct a mistake, at the altar of human sacrifice.......???
As we await whats in store later on today, just one more thing it aint pretty watching all those muffed up riot police payed by the tax payers money turn around, and hit the public. They have done it even during peaceful demonsrations,.........what in the Ancestors name do they put in their tea, at breakfast? GANJA!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Am not of good political judgement, and oh yeah a layman at that, give me a hard shot I wouldnt make a great guess about anything, but give me a break here, I know that Kenya right now needs men and women, who will put themselves above all, and everything, except be Nationalists.
I dont need a degree to know, that which ever way the political life in Kenya takes it will either be a great stride forward or backward in the overall democratic and well being of Kenya as a country.
We are at war here, only this time its for the second liberation of Kenya from the colonial black boys left by our colonialists. The nyaparas of the yester year, they cheated the brotherhood then, and they are cheating it now.....making us scared, real scared, it has been talked about but we have never agreed on it have we..... ukoloni mambo leo
The good thing about the genetic make up of Africans is there capability to endure, its unique to them endurance and acceptance. No wonder our belief in God is so Great, the things that would turn man from God is the richness of this world, alas! Our acceptance makes us endurers, so we think its better now that what we dont know out there.
Kenya needs men and women who look beyond personal gains, people who just dont say we need peace, but they move on to implement the peace they are talking about........common knowledge bet me who will be the Speaker tomorrow!
Whoever that will be, we will answer the question of just How many Nationalists we have in that parliament! Trust me equation isnt long enough, nor that tough!
I will give it a break for now , parliament resumes......and as we know starting tomorrow things might not be that fine, a police state we are becoming.............if we let it be!
Kenya needs Nationalists...I INSIST.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Monkeys Butt

The other monkeys ask...why in the ancestors name are you laughing like that.....??*? ihi....." beats his stomach.....i cant help it.........

So why dont you just tell us so that we can all join in, in what is making your ribs crack like that now....... a fellow monkey...busy picking out maize on the cob....

" red red!"

I stole, didnt steal, He stole...........

Well there was nothing was fair, and free! Flawless!

Well if there was something wrong.......the courts are there!

Well if there was something wrong and they can prove it......the courts are there!

Now how are the damn robbers to vacate? How are the corrupts one to vacate? How are the children to respect not to steal? Steal, then make the vice the next acceptable thing. If they cant prove it, a crime was not comitted? God help even some Reverends, they are still trying to see what stealing was done. Wonder what goes on with the offerings in their sanctuaries?

My patience is running out, did STEALING occur??
What happens next, will be the turning point in the history of Kenya democratic life. We will either skyrocket, grow democratically or we will go back to 1963........the choice and the answer lies in a few days or months to come.
And for the Mr. so and so...who is expecting the bottling up of feelings, and vented anger of the recent going ons from any blogger is expecting too much, very soon if some people get their own way, we will have none of this, and they will be come a spy in your class, here come a spy in the corridor, here come a spy in the come a spy in the maternity ward.........then we will start appreciating the freedom we have now.............only until someone takes it away........
Lets try it again....DID STEALING OCCUR?

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Everyone is making me mad.

Everyone didnt win the election but everyone decided that he won the election. Now everyone has made us sleep hungry , outside, and homeless at home. Then everyone comes around and says come on, its calm, go back home, everyone will be fine. But everyone is here, isnt it, stuck here at a camp, a camp that is not supposed to hate everyone but there is hate even here, hate and suspicion,suspicion and hate. Everyone says there is can now go on with your normal lives, is everyone right?

everyone said, I won. Did he?

Everyone said there is calm? Was there?

Then everyone said, go back to your homesteads its now fine,? Is it?

Then everyone said, peace should prevail?

Everyone keeps talking, and my head keeps everyone right?

If you breed a Nation of givers, you get givers in return

If everyone breeds......da...da...da you get...da...da...da

Who the hell won this elections? EVERYONE!

You ask everyone........then ask them, ....................because am still fighting hard, not with life, no more, but to keep the humane in me at the fore, its almost dying....and that will be the death of humility!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Come ye Downtrodden


Its hazy, i think my metabolism has slowe down, Father from youth centre says its all gone be fine. How fine, when the world sleeps and here, we are the church compound......its all awake........awake when morning comes, awake when morning goes. Spirits are low, and the difference between night and day looks like the difference between before we went for chose and after we chose, .......... build our nation, we love our nation.......

Heck if I dint have any management tips in my head I wuld say, motivation should not be a mangaerial tool, squeeze, turn, hike, life and drop..thup!...thup!....... then build the nation!

Am mixed in my feelings, part of it says you know survivor is a word for those who make it, no matter what......then the other part is failing me, derailing, like in a bottom of the pit, down down i go, but am the nation, those childs playing in the church compound they are the nation, the pieces brake, and no nation comes, no nation stays.

Sounds in my head, and bad sights.....of deep wounds cut..cut...cut......then fear...then silence...slash...slash...slash.......then you have to be calm......lets build the nation. You do it, my nation is the in the compound, lost without homes, sleeping out in the cold, some cuts, some slashes, some holes there, hole here......yet on the green side..... a burger from Steerrs, a pizza from Nados, life is back to normal, its all calm.......situation contained........its not situation..its generation contained.........the nation sleeps..the nation wakes.......all is calm, we are NORMAL again!! HURRAY!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Kenyan Piece, Peace for Kenya

I didi not have any idea that my chicken christmas was gone turn out so ugly, for grave sake I was in a bus on eve just to make sure I got to get home ......this time not for vote!
And vote I did, but maybe that is my biggest mistake, voting, in return I have not slept for almost two moons now.....there is no winking ither, all of us no sleep, if we do we do it in shifts, and even if we sleep, we dont breathe normal, its low...very that no one hears , on other hand it gives us the chance to listen to any anomalies outside.....and outside men keep vigil. Everyone fears something, but the thing to fear most is the unknown. There was so much hatred out there, we hate them, they hate us, we hate each other......but it come to know good ather than fear goes up, we fear them, they fear us, we fear each other...yet I knew Mama Mboga since I came to live here, I know Mama Fish, I know Aunt Nera, I know Maich wa Makaa, I know Kalonzo wa Duka, and this madness going around all becoz i vote, I refuse to vote again, I refuse to choose, i refuse to decide........... if only to prevent all this madness, coz all those people at the top dont know our neighbours..........
We have not sold no fish, no thing, hunger bites, and Aunt Nera says we all have to lne up for relief food.
I come from village and everyone guess is that village life is the lowest of them all, but lining up for that releif food and fighting for it, is the lowest have come, its demeaning, humiliating, and pathetic, if not for lack of choice, I wouldnt line up, but this is how far we have come, almost to nothing, yet we can still save this Nation......... Peace , a Piece for us!