Thursday, January 17, 2008


A new wine from the cellar cannot be stored in an old wineskin!
The archaic thoughts of the old geezers of this country is mediocre in every sense and quite unfortunate for the men and women of this country. Have said it over and over, poverty is like sin, look at us...look at Africa, drowning in poverty, as if its not enough we have our cursed resources to blame for everything from high mortality rates to failed political governments, the worst of all is our knowledge of anything almost lies in imaginary thoughts of intelligence.
We are driving our country mad!
And we have a few sons of the men and women who betrayed us during our fight for independence, doing it all over again.......only this time they have become black colonialists! Lets get it all straight its not ethnic clashes that is killing us now, its the injustice and the crazy minds of a few goons in our system which is holding Kenya to ransom, and for what?
My heart cries out to the women, and the children who are victims of circumstances, victims of men at war.
The sight of a young protester unarmed shot at close range and killed by a policeman shown live on TV yesterday is just the height of evil, and the government usage of men and women of cloth against its own people. I couldnt sleep, images of that young man, minutes before joking , then gripping his chest, then he attempts to stand up and went down, then the last kicks of death as the policeman kicked his sides is just horrific! Who is against who now!
Let the truth be told, the M.P for Othaya is in office Illegally. I cannot blame him for that, I blame the so called Kivuitu, the ECK for selling this country to the highest bidder! Neither can I blame the M.P for Langata, for his cries for justice, I blame the ECK. We trusted them, and look where they got us. House arrest, media blackouts, hunger, and soon a Police State!

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