Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Come ye Downtrodden


Its hazy, i think my metabolism has slowe down, Father from youth centre says its all gone be fine. How fine, when the world sleeps and here, we are the church compound......its all awake........awake when morning comes, awake when morning goes. Spirits are low, and the difference between night and day looks like the difference between before we went for chose and after we chose, .......... build our nation, we love our nation.......

Heck if I dint have any management tips in my head I wuld say, motivation should not be a mangaerial tool, squeeze, turn, hike, life and drop..thup!...thup!....... then build the nation!

Am mixed in my feelings, part of it says you know survivor is a word for those who make it, no matter what......then the other part is failing me, derailing, like in a bottom of the pit, down down i go, but am the nation, those childs playing in the church compound they are the nation, the pieces brake, and no nation comes, no nation stays.

Sounds in my head, and bad sights.....of deep wounds cut..cut...cut......then fear...then silence...slash...slash...slash.......then you have to be calm......lets build the nation. You do it, my nation is the in the compound, lost without homes, sleeping out in the cold, some cuts, some slashes, some holes there, hole here......yet on the green side..... a burger from Steerrs, a pizza from Nados, life is back to normal, its all calm.......situation contained........its not situation..its generation contained.........the nation sleeps..the nation wakes.......all is calm, we are NORMAL again!! HURRAY!!

1 comment:

Higuita said...

Interesting blog

Sassari, Sardegna