Friday, February 29, 2008


Am leaving tomorrow morning, not by boat, am afraid i was never much of a "water" child. The free spirit in me wants to hit the road, so am still scanning my mind o see who i leave with my precious delicacy. Ok, its nothing to do with....hell she cant let somebody eat it, the type of delicacy am talking about is teh bitter herbs, dont fry them.... that is what brings too much cholestrol............. just boil...but the secret lies in......adding some milk on top over time....wish you knew what i was talking about, its the kind of delicacy that doesnt go into the hands of every visitor, it requires special visitors to be eaten; the minimum period for fermenting the herbs is...two weeks, two weeks then you get the taste of a life time
There seems to b only one person I can entrust with that alot......well the biggest advatange is i can bet she aint gone eat it, my other bet, he probably wont like its safer with her than with someone who will discover just how precious that delicacy is
Well have to go throw in a few items in my bag.....lets see Kenya, they told me Kisumu was in ashes, sometimes Africans we are so good in exxageration, ........... timing has never been our art, that is why we have African time!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oush! Finally Annan has made some sense!!!

Am yet to get pictures that would catch the best moments of what happened today, from a far cries of joy and ululations reached my eyes, just to remind you i dont own a tv or radio, crazy of me, i mean its the year 2008, well i took some initiatives and asked for the price of one...... that GLD type, 14 inch and it was about 120 dollars, and that is just way above me right now, I barely missed the sale of maize from the farm, its cheaper half a dollar and that could push me some weeks....
Anyway....... the market place became a ceremonial ground......and it was just one of those days when damn i couldnt get a picture, but i promise that we finally get to the big bash, you aint missing that, not if i will be here. almost every village kin that i meet, is saying christmas can finally be celebrated.
I agree..........maybe we should maybe ourlives should go on....however a closure was needed, we are here now, I have to thank Koffi annan, and his whole team, its been a long night, the sun has been waiting to rise, maybe a new hope, new lining....but for all those people who stood by Kenya during this times......... in encouragement, hope, prayers, love..........its thank you! God Bless the World, God Bless Africa, God bless Kenya!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dog tired

All I can say, is am really tired, cant keep my eyes open, too tired to take a bath, too tired to eat, am worn out my eytes aint no better, and all because i had to spend my preciouys time at the local welder.......... i thought i could turn some old sits that i found into antiques, this is either way above me, or the welder is just way below himself!
End time..... i got to sleep, the sun didnt help matter it was alll out with its whole family.......dont ask me another question you might not like my answer...lets talk tomoorow.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Okay.....No mass action

Are you mad?

No mass action? No mass action my foot...well jus before you go on, let me justify why this mass action thing should not be an option not now. As it already is have been eating fish since i got here. Good for me I guess since am so uptight about it, an trying to trim my waistline might as well say the truth.....what I dont want to see for a little while longer, is fish!

Have eaten boiled fish, fried fish, grilled fish, ish without tomatoes..... have done all the round for it, the chfs can holler and just say wha it is that i havent used just to cook that fish with. My favourite is fish and chapatis, then fish with rice, them fish with ugali, then ....well chaatis is teh things my people dont undertsand that part, but a little accomodation and someone might change the camp. Now no mass action becoz, like i said before this plae i damn interior, the las mass acion everything went up by 100%. That is a lnguge that an average fellow n Suba cannot cough out, so we ont farm......we fish.......

but no mass action ..........find anoter way of dealing with this issue. If diplomacy is not working then its too late to teach some manner, unleash the wrath, but not through th people, we gave ourselves up for the move, and i accept that no revolution goes without blood shed, hungry people dont fight wars......and a handful of people cannot bring a state down, there comes a time when a nation i more important than an individual........... those individuals should not hold this country to ransom, say no to the sacrifices of the mothers and fathers who lost ther sons, or daiughter, for their sakes, we have to find a good option of still declaring that Kenya is a sovereign state!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Rough Monday

Met alot of the village folk with bad tempers today, i guess it has something to do what the west guys call Bad Mondays. what did we used to call it, bad moon days!
That brings something to mind, maybe down memory lane, if you ever went to one of those upcountry Senior high schools well mooning had a different meaning, ask around, its a girly thing and i pledged not to let the cat of the bag. Pinch me! It wont work
Well got to run, I want to make an early morning, not because i want to catch the worm....nada, the fishermen, I hope to land some big catch of the fishermen, and to get a remarkable price for it. Life is becoming a little more expensive, here, but a woman got to try, made up my mind for now, got to pay the bills. Am getting good proposals....guess which ones...but i will keep them on my top drawer, am considering the guy who will land my old folks some 24 cows!!!
Hey is the first lady yet to pay the guy she slapped goats, heard that is what the village elders decided as apology fee before any punishment. The first lady is not above village laws!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I have become the creature of the night, dont ask me how the evolution came about, but am starting o reign in the night. There is no joy in sitting n ths throne, but i think i should take it more seriously, titles like the Queen of the night dont knock frequently.
How is Nai? Guys please holler.
Am in the dark here, the latest know is well, we migh have a new team of men in blue, and well the rumour goes that if the orange gets spoil again..........well your gues s my guess.
I got to be hnest, huku ni Ocha, the other day I bougt a newspaper, and over lunch hour a friend arrives with another one from the Big City, of the same day, and walla! They looked different, the village in me thought, technoloy has beated drums with smoke, C'mon, I want to read the same exactpaper that guys in Nairbi are reading, the real thing!
Guess am a whiner, maybe more to that a perfectionist...... I like complete things.....that s why am waiting to exhale....when we finally get the political gears on track. I almost swore i aint gone comment on poilitika..well am redressing my decision on that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well am really tired, its been a long day, spent in public transport, and most of it on foot, am just finished...kaput!

The night was fulkl of rain with lightening over the lake, I just had to wake up and do some situps, trying to make my belly go gala...gala...flat! Amazingly no matter how much it rains here, the sun would always be around the corner just waiting to shine on, so maybe as long as am back home, no heavyDs.
Am really worn out probably I will only boil some fish for dinner, had some dried Linyo brought over its like beating an egg for breakfast.
Am yet to get down to doing my village rounds, you know , get to know who has been born, who left, not really who left but why? Since the AIDS epidemic hit the lake shore, its common, after greetings to comment about the state of affairs of each other's body, you know get a scan of it...see if they are going down the scale.
Am not sure how my goals to get my weight down will be taken, but i pray there is a difference between naturally losing weight and health related loss of weight. In the city it did not matter just what happens to you, or with whom, here we keep a watchful eye! Its a small country, its the village!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here it is?

Well I know I was supposed to get a picture of this goats sitting on the road, couldnt do much better than this, I told ya, they are wierd alright, I mean there is a whole Lake out there, and the best the can do is drink from the tap then the next thing they hope into the bush once another sign of civilisation shows up!

You need to be here to get the equation right.

That aside, am sure glad one of my short term but a very dear buddy of mine called to ask after me, came as a suprise, well I always have it in mind friends made in the city always remain to be so, you know, those people who come into your life, not to stay but to make things happens then they move on........or you do.....

Well I was sure glad when that big Bosch fon of mine, went grrrrring on the three legged stool, atleast the village folk should be aware that I made some frinds in the city, and friends who are good enough to stock on their credit and call me all the way in the village. Am not going to victimize the rest of 'em who are silent, they should understand how long it takes to see credit cards for fon here, book in advance, bekam a favourite of the shop owner and Vualla! You go it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Am happier

I dont have to go through that survivor reality stuff to entre the happiness zone. Gosh I miss the city, then I started thinking....what exactly do I miss about that place. To be true, less than what am getting here. Like to day in the morning, Jokaode, promised to take me to the lake shore , early in the morning that is the time.... to get fresh and giggling fish. I might as well say those people in the circumference of city life, they eat dead fish........

As soon as the fishermen dropped the anchor, the fish was there, for sale, well i picked 8 for the price of 1 dollar, and that is a whole weeks, supply, too much protein? doubt it!

This is a true Island, the goats are not used to seeing vehicles , so the last time one came around, it was total laughter on my side, seeing them hop and jump, and mee...e....eehing all the way into the bush. I promise am going to get a picture of the goats sitting right in the middle of the road, they rest and sleep there, unless a car comes around. The most amazing thing is not the goats its the owners, you leave your goats outside, they fend for themselves, they come home if they wish, and all you have to do is count the kids following their mothers, same to the cows too...... they know home, and they can come over when they wish!

Am going to leave it at that , until I get a picture of the goats lying on the road! Its amazing how a place like this can almost be oblivious to the political situation in Kenya, but that is the misaappropiations of a government that feels the gatherers should be left to gather, herders to herd, and nomads to nomadate, maybe an upper hand in been in a remote and underdeveloped area!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Still at it

Am still on the courseway, hoping to talk less and act more in the near future. Am still trying to acclimatize with been back here in the village, life aint that first and I just had my first dinner of bitter herbs! what is it that all those city women do, trying to trim their waists down, you need a life out here to know, damn......... you got money to throw around. I have changed my diet drastically, am on bitter herbs, boiled fish, and ......well the rest dont matter, i dont think i want to see beef either, now that....trimming it down is a lesson i can teach.
The other day my friend nina, who is stuck in the country, not really stuck she is enjoying all the quiteness in this island, so i took her to the market, and everyone couldnt help asking, How is Obama? Do you get to see him?
Lousy questions, but dont say that, all my village kinsmen, think that the possibility that any western person has seen Obama is so high, i think the Americans should make history , something they are known for give that son of the soil the big job!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Change of Address!

Made my journey, am probably glad due to all this skirmishes have just gone back in the village. My new address is the

Lake Side Town.
Breeze Point
Kajwang Gate
I hope all those Nairobians have fun, because I will be, full time. If you need any help like with sending money to your folks here, dont worry sign me a line, if you need info about anything but politics, because am not venturing into that no more, its enough that am about of the city dont get me thrown out of the country too!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Am definately on the road, trying to do a personal survey of burnt down houses and ghost villages and town, any time soon I should be able to say just how much the damage was, though am not into financial valuation, nada.... I deal with collateral damage, ghost towns, trumatised and physholically defeated persona

C u then

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Enjoy your Sato

I hope you are having a better one than mine because town, its all traffic, I guess its end month!!! You know.