Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well am really tired, its been a long day, spent in public transport, and most of it on foot, am just finished...kaput!

The night was fulkl of rain with lightening over the lake, I just had to wake up and do some situps, trying to make my belly go gala...gala...flat! Amazingly no matter how much it rains here, the sun would always be around the corner just waiting to shine on, so maybe as long as am back home, no heavyDs.
Am really worn out probably I will only boil some fish for dinner, had some dried Linyo brought over its like beating an egg for breakfast.
Am yet to get down to doing my village rounds, you know , get to know who has been born, who left, not really who left but why? Since the AIDS epidemic hit the lake shore, its common, after greetings to comment about the state of affairs of each other's body, you know get a scan of it...see if they are going down the scale.
Am not sure how my goals to get my weight down will be taken, but i pray there is a difference between naturally losing weight and health related loss of weight. In the city it did not matter just what happens to you, or with whom, here we keep a watchful eye! Its a small country, its the village!!

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