Monday, February 11, 2008

Am happier

I dont have to go through that survivor reality stuff to entre the happiness zone. Gosh I miss the city, then I started thinking....what exactly do I miss about that place. To be true, less than what am getting here. Like to day in the morning, Jokaode, promised to take me to the lake shore , early in the morning that is the time.... to get fresh and giggling fish. I might as well say those people in the circumference of city life, they eat dead fish........

As soon as the fishermen dropped the anchor, the fish was there, for sale, well i picked 8 for the price of 1 dollar, and that is a whole weeks, supply, too much protein? doubt it!

This is a true Island, the goats are not used to seeing vehicles , so the last time one came around, it was total laughter on my side, seeing them hop and jump, and mee...e....eehing all the way into the bush. I promise am going to get a picture of the goats sitting right in the middle of the road, they rest and sleep there, unless a car comes around. The most amazing thing is not the goats its the owners, you leave your goats outside, they fend for themselves, they come home if they wish, and all you have to do is count the kids following their mothers, same to the cows too...... they know home, and they can come over when they wish!

Am going to leave it at that , until I get a picture of the goats lying on the road! Its amazing how a place like this can almost be oblivious to the political situation in Kenya, but that is the misaappropiations of a government that feels the gatherers should be left to gather, herders to herd, and nomads to nomadate, maybe an upper hand in been in a remote and underdeveloped area!

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