Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Small threats: not when its against a country

There are no small threats when it comes to people attacking the boundaries of a country, and Kenya is no exception
Its alright for families to fight within themselves at least the clan can come in and help, but if the neighbours attacks the family then there is no recourse other than the family to stop the fighting, and defend themselves. Somebody somewhere is taking our kindness and in fightings for a ride, no matter how much differences we have within, its no a weakness for others to joyride on.
For the sake of the friends I have without the boundaries of Kenya, I wouldn't like to get into a war of words, because a neighbour today is a brother tomorrow, i commend the Kenyan parliament today for rising to the occasion of responding to the mediocre and quite unfortunate statements made by the most to be respected chair in East Africa. Leaders should learn to know what they say, can make or break a country.

With all due respect that statement lacked logic and it was an understatement for the efforts been made to solve an impeding problem brought by wolves in sheep's clothing parading as the great neighbours of Kenya.

As always Kenya has something to offer, we are trying to get the house in order, that is not a weakness.
Had dinner with my friends who are leaving town, at the Rusinga holiday inn, some nice chicken stew and rice, though the chicken needed some more simmering.....not bad. Couldn't help but take the photo attached.

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